Step into the Digital Age with Smart Software from Axess

Axess is a driver of innovation within the access sector. We recognized the onset of digitalization at an early stage and have placed our faith in smart, complete solutions. Intelligent hardware has been combined with complex software to produce Axess RESORT.SOLUTIONS. Resort operators benefit from a system that is supplied from a single source, ensuring there are no interface issues. When developing new software, our focus is on the needs of the guests. We place equal emphasis on ticketing and access, as well as on the creating new services and business models.

Smarter solutions for a digital planet.
Every system is unique. The guiding principle behind the smart software developed by Axess is that products can be adapted to suit individual requirements.


Smart Data Management: Simple, Secure and Efficient

The Axess DATACENTER is the core of our systems, seamlessly connecting all hardware and software online. It ensures high availability and robust security. By choosing the Axess DATACENTER SERVICE, you won't need to handle any technical aspects yourself. As your trusted application service provider, we take care of the entire operational process for you.
