Salzburger Landesausstellung: „200 Jahre Stille Nacht“ mit Axess Systemen

Der Ticketing- und Zutrittsspezialist AXESS AG zeigt heimische Flagge, sie stattet die Salzburger Landesausstellung 2018 aus.
Although AXESS AG is a globally active company, it is always at the forefront when it comes to projects in Salzburg. This is also what triggered its participation at the Salzburg Provincial Exhibition 2018 that starts on 29 September. A contemporary approach to the famous song will be offered at a total of nine venues. Access systems and ticketing will be supplied by Axess.
Axess AG is very honored to supply its systems to the major provincial exhibition. The selection procedure of the Province of Salzburg has awarded the Anif-based company the contract for its upcoming large exhibition. Axess will supply both the entrance tickets and the access controls for all participating museums. For all nine exhibition venues, there is a joint "One4all" ticket for EUR 18, reduced for pupils, students, seniors, etc. for EUR 12. This includes a ticket of the Salzburg Transport Association, valid on a day of your choice for the use of public transport. Easy to implement for Axess, since Salzburg AG has also successfully equipped its companies with Axess systems.
Soon an app will also be available through which tickets can be purchased, allowing access to the museums with a voucher or QR code on the smartphone. Here again, the Axess approach of offering integrated solutions and keeping its systems accessible to the most diverse applications has proven its worth. The webshop of Stille Nacht GmbH also runs via the Axess system. The reporting process enables the nine museums to be billed on a daily basis and tickets to be reordered automatically if a museum suddenly needs more than assumed due to high visitor attendance.
Stille Nacht 2018 GmbH is the organizer of the state exhibition, manages the organizational agendas between the museum partners and finances the joint roof marketing for the provincial exhibition. Stille Nacht 2018 GmbH is a non-profit limited liability company of the Province of Salzburg and is funded with a total of 1.7 million euros.
Picture vlnr: LH Wilfried Haslauer, Claudia Kopetzky (CMO Axess AG), Martin Hochleitner (Direktor Salzburg Museum), Paul Estrela (GF Stille Nacht 2018 GmbH)

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