Viva la Axess!!

Mexico City. Axess provides in its own way for the world’s largest commercial foodstuffs center for producers, wholesalers and retailers: with safe entry and exit systems.
CEDA is the acronym for the largest wholesale market in the world – “Central de Abasto“ in Mexico City. With 20 million inhabitants, Mexico City is one of the largest cities on earth
– and a further setting for a large-scale Axess project: The wholesale market, which since 1982 has been the commercial meeting point for producers, wholesalers and retailers for the country of Mexico, even has—with 328 hectares and an average driving time of 15 minutes from one end of the market to the other—its own zip code. Each day, 30,000 tons of foodstuffs are traded—this amounts to 80% of the consumption of all Mexico City.
These impressive figures provide an idea of the enormity of this commercial center. This makes us all the more proud to make a substantial contribution to the functioning of this “small town“ since the beginning of May through the contractor Tech PTM: Up to now, 41 entry and exit columns (Car Axess Entry + Exit) and barriers have been set up at entrances and exits of the wholesale center; and 27 Smart POS tills and the relevant software have been installed. The entry and exit columns in question are custom-made designs, because the columns are higher than those in normal parking areas: normal module height: 5.5 – customized module height for CEDA: 7. This enables the many trucks to be accommodated, which, just like cars, pass through the entrances and exits.

Nuovi progetti, eventi, ricerca e sviluppo attuali e novità di ogni tipo dal mondo di Axess.

Soluzioni globali per le vendite e il controllo accessi nell'industria delle attrazioni
Soluzioni intelligenti e scalabili per la vendita e il controllo accessi nell'industria delle attrazioni—operazioni senza soluzione di continuità, vendite ottimizzate e tecnologia pronta per il futuro.

Axess presenta SMART GUARD: proteggi il tuo ski resort dalle frodi sui biglietti
Axess SMART GUARD combatte la frode sui biglietti da sci con confronti fotografici basati sull'intelligenza artificiale, aumentando i ricavi e la giustizia per i resort sciistici.

Rivoluzionare lo Sci con Axess: Il Tuo Smartphone Come Skipass
Meta description: Dolomiti Superski celebra la sua 50ª stagione invernale con l'Axess SKI WALLET e le funzionalità BLE.