Legal information

We would like to draw your attention to the following legal information regarding the use of our web sites:

The copyright for all text and picture contributions on this site is held by Axess AG or one of its affiliated companies. The use of material publicized in the Axess web sites is exclusively for private use only; the commercial use in any form or the transfer of data to another medium may only occur with the express permission of a representative from Axess. The printing, copying or downloading of data for private use, as well as journalistic content planned expressly for further publicizing use, are exempt from the above. Please note that, in spite of careful compilation, information appearing in the Axess web site may be incomplete, out-of-date or false. Furthermore, Axess reserves the right to actualize, lengthen, shorten or otherwise adapt or change the contents without prior notice. Making use of the links installed in connection with the axess web site may cause you to leave the Axess web site and enter the web site of any third party. We would like to point out that we have no influence whatsoever over the design and content of such web sites and can accept no responsibility for them.
© Axess AG 2023
