"The Little Train" rolls again – great journey in La Mure
After a landslide in October 2010 repairs to the line of the Petit Train de La Mure, south of Grenoble, have been completed after more than ten years of work. The reopening of the tourist line connecting Saint-Georges-de-Commiers with La Mure, in the south of the Isère department, will take place in June. The company EDEIS, which operates the tourist train, turned to Axess to install a modern access control system.
Once intended as a link between the La Mure mining basin and the Grenoble area, the railroad was used to transport miners and goods, especially coal. Closed since 2010, the railroad underwent a major overhaul to allow its restoration as a tourist route. The works have now been completed and the "Little Train of La Mure" will resume its service in June, with the aim of carrying more than 100,000 visitors per year. With its many tunnels and viaducts, now considered engineering works of art, the journey begins aboard the renovated carriages in La Mure and follows a 15 km route between lakes and mountains, at the foot of the Alps with a varied panorama and preserved nature. Along the way, guests can admire Mont-Aiguille, the Vercors massif and the Trièves mountains, as well as the dam of Monteynard-Avignonet, thanks to the vintage cars that allow a ride in the open air.
The operators of the railroad line have chosen a modern access control system for La Mure. Axess proposed such a solution adapted to the environmental conditions. The project was awarded due to the elegance of the access controls, the special pallets and the attention to the needs of the site. From now on, La Mure station will be equipped with several Axess Smart Gates, including an ADA access for special needs with a wider entry. In addition, staff will be equipped with Axess HANDHELDs 600 for barcode ticket control during boarding at some stops, including access to the Mine Image Museum. Ticketing will be handled in partnership with Logick, who provides the sales software solution. When the train departs from La Mure, everything is now ready to welcome many visitors who want to embark on an entertaining and historical journey. Much to the delight of young and old.
Nuovi progetti, eventi, ricerca e sviluppo attuali e novità di ogni tipo dal mondo di Axess.
Come sempre un passo avanti: AI Axess Intelligence.
Axess non solo presenta il nuovo Axess SKI WALLET, che consente di conservare il biglietto degli impianti di risalita sul telefono, alla Interalpin di quest'anno, ma celebra anche il 25° anniversario. Sono stati 25 anni intensi dalla start-up fino all'odierna azienda globale con sede in 16 paesi, 460 dipendenti e un fatturato di 78,5 milioni di euro.
Accesso intelligente ai ghiacciai tirolesi
I comprensori sciistici tirolesi dei ghiacciai Pitztal–Kaunertal aprono la stagione 2022/2023 presentando nuove soluzioni di accesso. Equipaggiati con gli innovativi sistemi hardware e software di Axess, la strada del ghiacciaio della Kaunertal così come gli impianti di risalita delle aree sciistiche sono pronti per il futuro digitale.
Con la costruzione della nuova Valisera Bahn, il comprensorio sciistico del Silvretta Montafon inaugura una nuova era digitale. Tutto è pronto per il futuro, grazie alla più recente tecnologia Axess.