AXESS Flap Gates: New Gates for Venice

Axess is realizing its largest OPNV project in one of Europe's most popular destinations – Venice. End of March Axess won the tender of the Venice Public Transport Company ACTV (Azienda Consorzio Trasporti Veneziano) and is now equipping all jetties and bridges of the public transport system with Axess gate systems.
Venice attracts around 30 million tourists a year – a huge influx of visitors which ACTV must bring efficiently and quickly to their desired destinations. Axess is now making a significant contribution to this effort: Around 30 landing jetties and bridges reached by the "vaporettis", Venice's main means of transport, will be equipped with more than 100 Axess Flap Gates NG with the option Flap Paddle Arms.
Axess Smart Flap Gates - ideal for public transport
After successful tests at various public locations last year, the installation and commissioning of additional Axess Smart Flap Gates NG (Innovation Prize Salzburg Economy 2012) will be launched on time for the peak visitor season. Axess is providing the ACTV with a very efficient and comfortable system of access that effectively prevents the widespread phenomenon of "dodgers" at the stations. Also, the Axess Smart Gates design with its overhead installation is perfect for surviving the "acqua alta" which regularly floods parts of Venice. Due to the increased width of the Axess Flap Gates, tourists can easily pass the access points with their baggage.
Axess review of a successful cooperation in Venice
Already with the implementation of the "People Movers" in 2010, the cable-drawn system (connection Island Tronchetto with Piazzale Roma), commissioned by the ASM, as well as the installation of 20 Axess Smart Flap Gates NG and a total of 9 AX500 TVM (vending machines), Axess successfully contributed in ensuring a smooth transport of tourists at three stations.
But that's not all: In collaboration with Teleart, already in 2006/2007 all museums in Venice were equipped with AX500 Satellite Readers, a ticket control system that facilitates interesting museum-going experiences.
"We are very confident that the 'new gates of Venice' will be the beginning of further projects of this type and size for Axess", confirms CEO Oliver Suter.

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