AXESS North America transitions into AXESS Americas Inc.

To provide even more service and satisfaction to customers, the Austrian based AXESS AG is further expanding and investing in the North and South American Markets by taking over the former privately owned subsidiary AXESS North America.
To enable even better service, performance, and project management, AXESS is investing and expanding business in the Americas and that is why these company changes were addressed. With Larry Williams retiring in the near future, the Austrian headquarters bought his shares of the former Axess North America. The responsible directors like Peter Dermutz (based in L.A.) and Michael Bisner (based in Boston) will stay the same, with plans to expand the team of technicians and project managers to service the growing business. The U.S. main office in Park City will remain the head office for the new AXESS Americas Inc. In preparation for expansion and additional investments in the Americas’ markets, Anthony Flores joined the U.S. based team recently as Director of Technical Services for this new subsidiary of AXESS. Larry Williams, to whom AXESS is very grateful for developing the U.S. market, and Oliver Suter will be Presidents of the new corporation. Larry Williams will stay in the new company until he heads on to retirement and private life. Oliver Suter is Austrian based Chief Sales Officer and member of the board of AXESS AG. He is very familiar with the North and South American markets having worked closely with the U.S. based team for years.
To promote the brand new Axess RESORT SOLUTIONS 4.0 the new company and its team will be present at all important trade fairs and conventions. Cooperation with IAAPA will be intensified and there will be additional resources directed towards the prosperous South American Market. AXESS Americas is excited to introduce the new Axess RESORT.RENTAL, Axess RESORT.LOCKER and Axess RESORT.SKI SCHOOL systems as well as the new convenient to use Axess PICK UP BOX 600. The new AXESS Americas is looking forward to sharing these innovations and to presenting this new line of solutions.

Axess dünyasından yeni projeler, etkinlikler, AR&GE çalışmaları ve haberler.

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AI Axess Intelligence
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